What Are Wisdom Teeth?
Wisdom teeth are the 3rd set of molars someone can develop. Often, these come in around someone’s late teenage years. Not everyone has to have theirs removed nor does everyone even have wisdom teeth. A dentist will take periodic x-rays at your regular dental visits to be able to look at your teeth and know if something needs looked at relating to your wisdom teeth. Remember to tell your dentist if anything in your mouth has been bothering you.
Why Do Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Removed?
I understand that nothing about getting a tooth removed sounds pleasant, but as with all dental health, it’s always better to take care of a problem sooner rather than later. Because everyone is different with their wisdom teeth, i.e. position, if they’re showing through the gums, how the jaw line aligns, and if the wisdom teeth are impacted. Especially with an impacted wisdom tooth, you will probably need to have them removed. Sometimes dentists and oral surgeons will recommend that your wisdom teeth be removed before they create a problem.
What is an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?
An impacted wisdom tooth is when the skin, soft tissue, or bone from the jaw covers most of the actual tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth may also be coming through the gums a little. Often it will pop up through one day and go down the next. This up and down activity is a common indicator of an impacted tooth. This can be very painful.
Because of the movement of an impacted wisdom tooth, it often leaves room for air to enter in which allows for bacteria growth leading to far more painful infections. This is why many dentists and oral surgeons recommend precautionary efforts like removing the teeth before they become a problem.
Eagle Rock Dental Care dentists would prefer to perform this procedure on patients 17-21 but will, of course, take whatever measures necessary for the patient to offer pain relief if he or she is older or younger. If you or your children are within this age range, consider bringing them into their dentist in Idaho Falls for a routine check-up with x-rays so we can make sure their wisdom teeth are not causing any problems.