Personalized & Comfortable Dental Care, with offices in Idaho Falls, Rexburg and Arco.

Personalized & Comfortable Dental Care, with offices in Idaho Falls, Rexburg and Arco.

Eagle Rock Dental Care Gives Back

Give Kids A Smile Flyer

For over 10 years, Eagle Rock Dental Care has given back to the Idaho Falls community by taking part in Give Kids A Smile, a nation-wide program that helps to serve underserved children with free dental care. 

“We enjoy participating in Give Kids A Smile because it’s a chance for our team to grow closer together as we serve those children in our community who don’t have insurance and who may not be able to get dental work without this day of giving!” – Dr. Tanner, Eagle Rock Dental Care, Idaho Falls Location

This year, Eagle Rock Dental Care will be closing down the dental office to participate in Give Kids A Smile this Thursday, February 18th. This means that for the day our full team of Idaho Falls kids dentists, hygienists, and staff members will work to provide valuable dental care to children in the area without dental insurance or a means to receive dental care otherwise. 

Continue reading to learn more about this amazing program and how it gives back to the communities and children!

Give Kids A Smile BackgroundGive Kids A Smile Log

Give Kids A Smile was the name first used by a group of dentists and the Greater St. Louis Dental Society when they set up a temporary full-service dental clinic to provide treatment to nearly 400 children within a two-day period back in 2002. 

Now, each year over 6,500 dentists and 300,000 dental team members volunteer across the nation to bring this event to kids in their local areas. Since The Give Kids A Smile (GKAS) program launched nationally in 2003, the program has helped to provide free oral health education, screenings, as well as preventative and restorative dental treatment to over 6 million children.

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, which makes the GKAS program the keystone of the month because its participants hold events throughout the month in honor of Children’s Dental Health Month.

In addition to providing oral health resources, treatment and screenings, Give Kids A Smile is also a tool used to highlight for policymakers the ongoing issues that children with disabilities or disadvantages face in accessing affordable dental care. 

As a prominent children’s dentist in Idaho Falls, our wish is that all the children in our community and beyond have access to good dental care regardless of their access to insurance or income. 

Types of Give Kids A Smile Events

Since this program is nationwide, providers and event planners have the opportunity to make the event “their own”. child dentist treat boy teeth under sedation with dental curing ultraviolet light equipment

Some providers will simply perform an educational event showcasing the importance of dental hygiene for children and beyond, while others will host a screening, treatment, and educational events to provide same day care for children in their community. Let’s take a look at each of these different types of events:

  • Educational. Educational events can be offered as part of Give Kids A Smile programs or as stand-alone events. Presentations are often provided at schools or community centers with a focused age group in mind (toddlers, children, teenagers). At these educational events, a presentation on daily oral hygiene, diet, and dental health is often given along with an educational display, and handouts and other materials will be given to the children to take home. 
  • Screening. Screening events can also be done at a school, community center, or at a children’s dental office. The main point of a screening event is to find children who do require dental help and then provide them either with treatment (if you’re doing a treatment/restorative event) or information about participating kids dentists in Idaho Falls, like Eagle Rock Dental Care, who will treat their dental needs either at little or no cost. 
  • Treatment/Restorative. Eagle Rock Dental Care, offers treatment/restorative services when we participate in the Give Kids A Smile program. These treatments are completely free for the children to have done during the GKAS program. From general care and cleaning to dental work like fixing cavities, this is an opportunity for children to get the dental care they need without parents or guardians worrying about the cost of help. 

Eagle Rock Dental Gives Back

Give Kids A Smile has two main purposes, first helping children to get dental care regardless of their financial situation as well as, raising awareness that children in our communities deserve a better healthcare system that addresses all of their health needs, including their dental needs.

Eagle Rock Dental Care is grateful to be able to provide this much needed dental care program to the community and hopes that events like this will spark a conversation to improve dental care for children and adults throughout Idaho. Dental disease is preventable but it must start with education at an early age and people must have affordable access to dental care in their area.

If you would like to learn more about the program or are interested in bringing your child to Eagle Rock Dental Care for our Give Kids A Smile event, please reach out to us at your earliest convenience. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. You can also learn more about this nationwide program and find additional resources by visiting


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